
[ISSUE TALK] Pompeo hails another step forward with North Korea after meeting with Kim Jong-un

2018-10-08 74 Dailymotion

폼페이오 4차 방북, 북미 빅딜 성사됐을까? - 봉영식 박사 대담

To further dissect these latest developments on North Korea, we have with us now Dr. Bong Young-shik, from the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies. It's great to have you with us again.

My pleasure.

1 - So it seems the atmosphere is currently largely positive between North Korea and the U.S. Pompeo's meeting with Kim Jong-un is said to have gone well, but few actual details have been released on what specific progress has been made. What is your take on Pompeo's latest trip to North Korea?

2 - Pompeo returned to Seoul from Pyeongyang, where he debriefed President Moon Jae-in directly afterwards. In their opening remarks, they described the progress as just 'another step forward', and expressed hope towards a second North Korea-U.S. summit. So I would describe that tone as cautiously optimistic. Would you say a second North Korea-U.S. summit is not a done deal yet?

3 - Then what was actually achieved during this meeting? Do you think they will have discussed at least an initial suggestion for dates and a location for a second summit, or does it seem they focussed more on other issues?

4 - One of the agreements that has been announced by the U.S. State Department is that Kim has invited inspectors to the Punggye-ri nuclear test site that was blown-up in front of international reporters earlier this year. When the site was blown up there was a lot of criticism that reporters, not inspectors, had been invited to witness it. Do you think Kim Jong-un has reacted to this criticism?

4a - How would you rate the significance of this concession from Kim?

5 - During the inter-Korean summit between President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong-un last month, Kim agreed to also dismantle the Dongchang-ri missile engine test site in front of international inspectors. But there was no mention of this from Pompeo's visit. What should we make of that? Is this a good or bad sign?

6 - Also during the inter-Korean summit, North Korea promised to take further denuclearization steps IF the U.S. takes 'corresponding measures'. At the time, what those corresponding measures were had not been laid out. According to South Korea's Blue House, Pompeo is said to have discussed those 'corresponding measures' with Kim. But there were no other details than that. What do you think those measures could be? In short, do you think Pompeo will have offered anything to Kim?